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Värska Originaal

Värska Originaal contains an almost ideal amount of natural mineral salts: 2.2 g per one liter of water. Therefore, Värska Originaal helps restore minerals, trace elements and fluids that the body loses after physical activity – in the best way. The ordinary tap water is not enough, because only mineral water contains important substances, such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, which are lost from the body during sweating after exercise.

It’s no secret that salt accentuates the flavor of food and that mineral water is part of our food experience – not only in the gourmet kitchen. Due to the high content of mineral salts, Värska Originaal is perfect for enjoying with delicious food both in a restaurant and at home. Its pleasantly salty taste and rich minerality bring out the best in any food and make it especially enjoyable.

Cl 1280 - 1410 mg/l

SO4 16 - 21 mg/l

Na 605 - 670 mg/l

Ca 116 - 129 mg/l

K 19,5 - 21,5 mg/l

Mg 40 - 44,5 mg/l

Varska Bottle 1.5L Varska Bottle 1L Varska Bottle 0.5L Varska Bottle 0.35L


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