Our water
Meie maapõues peitub looduslik mineraalvesi. Värska lahe all, 470 meetri sügavusel asub kristallpuhta maitsega mineraalainete rikas vesi, mille vanus ulatub 500 miljoni aasta taha. Seal villib Värska Originaal AS pudelitesse eestlaste kultustoodet Värska Originaal.
Värska Original unique formula
Mineral water and its quality
Looduslikud mineraalveed sisaldavad rohkesti bioloogiliselt aktiivseid komponente nagu mineraalained ning gaase. Looduslik mineraalvesi on tekkinud aastatuhandete jooksul ja selle kõiki omadusi on väga raske kopeerida.
Geoloogid ja toiduainete tehnoloogid määratlevad mineraalvett sageli erinevalt. Geoloogid: “Mineraalveeks loetakse põhjavett, millel on mineraalainete, gaaside ja orgaanilise ühendite rohke sisaldus. Vees lahustunud soolade hulk peab mineraalvees küündima vähemalt ühe grammini liitri vee kohta. Toiduainete tehnoloogid lähtuvad (EL) nr 1169/2011 määrusest, mille kohaselt on looduslik mineraalvesi tavalisest joogiveest selgelt eristatav koostise ja iseloomuliku mineraalainete, mikroelementide või koostise muude komponentide sisalduse poolest. Loodusliku mineraalvee omadused püsivad stabiilsena vee maaaluse päritolu ja saastumise eest kaitstuse tõttu
Usually, more mineral salts are dissolved in natural mineral water. In nature, we can distinguish mineral waters rich in carbon dioxide, chlorine, iron, bromine, sulfates, sulfides, radon, silicon and iodine. In addition to carbon dioxide, mineral waters can also contain nitrogen as a gas. Less salty mineral waters are suitable for drinking, while salty ones are good for baths.
International requirements for the quality of natural mineral waters
Water must be bottled directly at the site. The natural mineral water may be transported only in the packaging in which it is intended to be sold.
Mineral salts composition should be such water to be stable.
Required is the food of the physiological examination of mineral waters healing properties for the official certificate to.
Water must be bottled directly from the deposit. Transport may be natural mineral water only in this package, which in this sale are going to be.
Natural mineral water must not be processed, by way of derogation shall be allowed only carbon dioxide addition.
Of course, the natural mineral water to be microbiologically safe.
Natural mineral water bottle label should be shown in mineral wells location and the name of the mineral content.
How waters are classified
Drinking water
Drinking water is usually considered a natural, tasteless, odorless, colorless water that does not contain more mineral or organic additives than permitted by technical standards.
Drinking water
Natural lauaveed usually consist of some valuable mineral from (tervisevee) that is diluted natural drinking water. Natural lauaveeks can also read some of the spring water, which in fact is derived from the wellhead and without processing bottled. Genuine spring water, which is particularly clean and taste good, people are valued in ancient times.
Table waters
Table waters contain a certain proportion of mineral components. They have their own taste and effect on the body.
Natural mineral waters
Natural mineral waters contain a lot of minerals, biologically active components, ions, gases, etc. And they have a therapeutic effect. Natural mineral water has been formed for thousands of years which makes it very difficult to copy all its properties.
Natural mineral waters are divided into different types depending on their ion concentration. The healing effect of the water mainly depends on the ions.
Seven reasons to drink Värska mineral water
Lisaks sellele, et Värska mineraalvesi on maitsev, aitab hoida füüsilist ja kognitiivset talitlust normaalsena.
The well of Värska mineral water is 470 meters deep. The water is under pressure in the ground which prevents pollution entering the groundwater.
AS Värska Originaal doesn’t add anything to the water except carbon dioxide.
Värska Originaal mineral water has received the certificate of natural mineral water and is being monitored constantly. The company also has a certificate that proves their food safety system is in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 22000:2018 standard.
Only AS Värska Originaal offers Värska Originaal that is unique in the world.
In Värska, mineral water has been bottled since 1973. The local state farm started it, now it is done by AS Värska Originaal.
AS Värska Originaal bottles its product in both glass and plastic bottles. It is also possible to buy six packs with handles.
Natural mineral water’s effect on the body
Magnesium water helps to relieve stress
Hydrocarbonate water lowers the acidity of gastric juice
Naatriumvesi helps to regulate arterial pressure
Natural mineral waters are divided into different types depending on their ion concentration. The healing effect of the water mainly depends on the ions.
Sulfate water restores stomach and gallbladder functions
The iron content of water rescues aneemiast
Chloride water stimulates gastric and pancreatic secretions
Read about the specific therapeutic effect of geological mineral waters
Mineral water therapeutic feels the human race since ancient times. Mineraalveeallikate at was built in antiquity the temple, where the sick were treated in the same way as nowadays – diet, movement, baths and water within the application. Natural mineral water to heal the body both inside and outside.
Geological mineraalvetel is mostly specific to the therapeutic effect, which depends on both their chemical composition as well as water physical properties.
- So used rauarikas of mineral water, anemia and menstrual abnormalities of the event.
Hüdrokarbonaatsed waters downgrade maomahl the acidity. - Sulfides and kloriididerikas mineral water is indicated for the treatment of digestive system, bile and
- urinary tract, liver and kidney diseases in the event.
Iodine - and broomirikast water recommended some heart and joint disorders to treat. - Räniühenditest rich mineral water has anti-inflammatory effect.
Radoonirikkad mineral will find use, for example kilpnäärmealatalitluse, fat - metabolic stimulus, and chronic liigestehaiguste the event.
- Sodium participates in organismivedelikubilansis, acid-alkaline balance in maintaining and närvilihas upset with. Hot weather and exertion of the physical action necessary, be accompanied by
- sharp sodium, where the rise. The body loses fluid, which in turn affects other minerals, such as magnesium and potassium loss.
- Naatriumivaeseid shall be deemed such a mineral, in which the element content is less than 20 mg/l, and high-sodium mineral water is considered as those in which the sodium content greater than 200 mg/l. Usually warned too much naatriumisisalduse for. It is, however,
- exaggerated, since the mineral is present in the sodium as nacl (sodium chloride), but other minerals or bikarbonaat with a bound. This form is conducive to bikarbonaat
- excess sodium excretion. Bikarbonaat is not a mineral, but a good natural mineral ingredients. Bikarbonaadirikkad is just the limestone through the water.
Potassium assisted high blood pressure lowering, is important for skin health, stimulates the kidneys to allocate the toxic leftovers. Potassium can be found to a certain extent, almost all of the mineral water in. - Magnesium is an important effect bioelement, which need water to help cover. Magnesium helps to regulate the heart and blood circulation, calcium and vitamin C metabolism. Magneesiumirikka is considered to be of mineral water, which in magnesium quantity is 50 mg/l or more.
- Certain mineral waters are distinguished by calcium elevated concentrations. Calcium is the body's ülesehitusmaterjal, he is already in the collection in terms of the body's most important mineral.
- Calcium regulates blood clotting, outperforms inflammation, relieves allergic reactions, affects nerve and muscle activity. Activates metabolic processes. So that we can talk about more of the kaltsiumisisaldusest, must be mineral water per litre of this element contain at least 150 mg.
- The water from the other indicators are calculated mineral water pH value (will be usually in the range
- 3...8 ), kasutamistemperatuuri (cool people, usually 20 C, hot under the age of 45 (C), radon caused by weak radioactivity and water hydrostatic pressure.
- That mineral water is also a number of trace elements in the source, should be content to pay special attention, because these elements need to be an organism, often in much smaller quantities.
- Fluoririkast be considered as early as 1 mg/l fluorine containing mineral water. Iron rich mineral waters contain more than 1 mg of iron per liter of water. These substances excessive consumption causes the body in a number of problems.
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What form of water in our table?
Urmas JõgevaVärska Vesi AS a member of the board
In all kinds of bottles, tastes and colors the water takes on the shelves in front of the eyes-for cluttered. There it is – the substance, which largely consists of our body and what we need on daily basis to keep yourself in the best shape possible. But in what form is the water that looks at us from the shelves against? Whether e-substances to inflated seemingly beautiful, but internally empty water or huge kilometers undergone a major footprint with water or pipes and purification equipment in wandering by the water? Drink, but the best form of title to them could not be granted. We live in an exceptionally pure loodusküllases painting, and perhaps we take even the clean water sometimes for granted.
Flows into the "gold" in the ground
Not gold, not silver, we find the land, however, lies in our earth's crust in the best shape of water in the world – natural mineral water. Värska cool under, 470 meters deep located in the crystal clear mineral rich water, whose age ranges from 500 million years behind. There villib Värska the Original AS bottles estonians kultustoode the Värska the Original. Back to the shelf, between the forces of change but the thing again difficult.
A mess of mineral water in the market
Increasingly more difficult it is to Värska name-bearing products and manufacturers to distinguish. As the name patented, does not, and Värska tag water bottle on sale, it should be this products on the market follow. The consumer must be aware that not every Estonian sold in Värska water is not a natural mineral water or comes from värskas of. Other Estonian within sources Värska under the banner also normal Tartu wells of water, and only add water factory minerals, perhaps it is not a natural mineral water. Therefore, it is very important that consumers can understand, which the company Värska water they buy, and whether the water is from the original sources, or only seems this way.
Natural mineral water or mineral water
So to find a trade in addition to a natural mineral water also the so-called artificial mineral water (mineral lauavett), which is the normal drinking water, which is attached to a variety of mineral salts and carbon dioxide. It must be stressed that the classical therapeutic effect in these products do not. A long time in water, dissolved minerals are the body much more readily available than artificially added minerals. The natural salts and minerals is a great help for bile, liver, stomach and digestive system to overcome the problems of the. Natural mineral water bottling takes place Värskas on the ground and loodusikult mineral water of the additives may not, apart from karboniseerimiseks the necessary carbon dioxide. Natural mineral waters will recognize the manufacturer and the bottle must be marked on the water source of the name. Värska the Original comes from a source deep well no. 7.
Mineral water alongside certainly have their place also in the normal yet, but at this point the light I rule – the smaller the journey from the source or from the pit to the joogiklaasina, the better.
What kind of water consumed is not, therefore, by no means a minor issue. Telling is the fact that mineral water sources Värska suffered to live a more healthy venerable age people than in other parts of Estonia. Shelves in front of the wandering in the must, however, be alert and able to distinguish between the original natural mineral water from similar products.
All know that pure water is tasteless, colourless and odourless liquid. Our sales of bottled waters on it, though the claim is not. The sheer variety of maitsevarjundit are a lot of.
Bottled water may be snow-, smooth-, soda-, sour-, bitter-, salt - or magusamaitseline. And still the question arises, why, then, more and more people around the world prefer to drink bottled water?
The reasons are many. Unlike other drinks do not give the water the body of calories, but is the body essential nutrient. Let us add here, that the mineral does not replace or reimburse you for healthy balanced diet.
However, the ability of people to spend some live only a short time. In many areas, drinking water composition below any records. Obsolete and corrosion of the pipelines and water consumption, a reduction in overall cause is often tap water an unpleasant odour, taste and turbidity.
Natural mineral waters belong to such goods which may not be included in the E numbrikood with substances or additives. The exception is the mineral water carbonisation, which in the course of the added carbon dioxide (E290).
Sure chemical composition of the water consumption helps to regulate the body's mineraalainevahetust. Usually prefer to consumers high-potassium and low-sodium water, which has its own part of the body of excess sodium removal.
Nowadays, it is sure eluõigus acquired also kaltsiumirikas of the mineral waters, which provides a possibility of bone thinning or osteoporosis prevention.
Mineral water is suitable for the preparation of food. Both are used for mineral water, variety of drinks to dilute, sauces, soups cooking and even baby foods. True, in the latter case is established by the consumer to the mineral water, a number of specific requirements.
It is worth to know, that the more sweat, in the case of weakly salty water ideal for a beverage, which restore the body leaving the salts of stocks. Drinking mineral water, make up the sweat of the lost fluid and mineral salts.
Do not forget, too, that more water consumption is nowadays bollywood and belongs to the modern lifestyle. Especially suitable for this saleduskuuri follow people, because the way some of the time, if there is an irresistible desire to do something nibbling, will contribute to the initial hunger pangs to mitigate the glass of mineral water from. Nor without reason is not mineral water drinking and skin spraying extremely popular right model among.
And finally, it is difficult to find a better janukustutajat as clean and cool drinking water. By the way, mineral water heals and amplified maitseaisting research.
vedelikku tunnis, intensiivse koormuse puhul aga kuni 3 liitrit. Iga intensiivsema kehalise tegevusega kaasneb higistamine. See on hädavajalik organismi ülekuumenemise vältimiseks. Keskmise intensiivsusega treeningu puhul kaotab keha 0,5–1 liitrit vedelikku tunnis, intensiivse koormuse puhul aga kuni 3 liitrit. Mitte ainult tippsportlasele, vaid ka tervisejooksjale on oluline kaotatud vedelik võimalikult kiiresti asendada.
Ordinary tap water is not enough. Strong sweating may be mineraalainetevaese beverages, the use of lead to health problems, since the mineral content and their composition within a country determines how the liquid in the body breakdown.
The principle is simple – each spent kilocalories must drink 1 ml of liquid.
Nearly 2% of body weight fluid loss can lead to a performance drop of up to 20%. 50 kg in weight in the event will make it out to one of the kilogram.
Perhaps it is here understood, why the fluid intake is so important. Recovery is not just a holiday workouts in between, this is the optimal diet, water treatments, massage, etc. It is necessary to balance the minerals, trace elements, and fluid loss. Mineral water help lose what has been restored.
Sodium participates in the body's vedelikubilansi, the acid-alkaline balance in maintaining and nerve-muscle ärritatavusest. Hot weather and exertion of the physical action necessary, be accompanied by a sharp sodium, where the rise. The body loses fluid, which in turn affects other minerals, such as magnesium and potassium loss. Mineral water is present in the sodium as nacl (sodium chloride), but other minerals or bikarbonaat with a bound. This form is conducive to bikarbonaat excess of sodium excretion. Bikarbonaat is not a mineral, but a good natural mineral essential ingredients. Bikarbonaadirikkad is just the limestone through the water.
Runner drink should also include as much as possible of magnesium. Potassium content must not be running during use in the drink be too high, after the run is but kaaliumirikas drink recommended.
The higher the temperature is within range, and that the more concentrated is the beverage sugar content, the longer it stays in the stomach. It causes unpleasant täismaotunnet and water falls in the intestines back and forth. Sweet drinks cause blood sugar fast to rise, which in turn increases the pancreatic hormone insulin excretion. High insulin inhibit fat “burning”, which the organism uses the already very early off your glycogen replenishment.
Here recommendation – just before the start not to use large quantities of sweet toitesegu were. Over an hour of effort will need to be drink also contain carbohydrates. During the run the functioning of the fastest cool drink, which contains the necessary amount of minerals and carbs.
It may not be industrially manufactured spordijook, requirements ideal for õunamehu (or other fruit juice) mixed with mineral water, 1:3, the assumption that the choice is correct mineral water. Mineral water in the minerals must be in the following proportions: potassium:sodium, not less than 1:10, magnesium: calcium not less than 1:3.
spordisõprade kaaslaseks ning võib olla abiks mitmete tervisehädade puhul. Värska Originaali looduslik mineraalvesi pärineb 470 meetri sügavuselt maapõuest ning sisaldab liitri kohta üle kahe grammi mineraale, sealhulgas naatriumit, kaaliumit, kaltsiumit ja kloriide. Karboniseerimata mineraalveele ei ole lisatud süsihappegaasi, nii sobib see paljudele, kellele nn mullivesi ei meeldi või on tervislikult vastunäidustatud. Karboniseerimata mineraalvesi sobib hästi tegev- ja tervisesportlastele.
Even moderately in sports, physical work or in a hot environment while staying in the losing organism sweat water and minerals. The so-called clean drinking water does not help always the body of water resource recovery include: it is absorbed quickly, but removes just as quickly by the kidneys. Help is mineral water drinking, which restores the body's mineraalitasakaalu.
Still mineral water fits well in the sports drinks on the basis of the. Long-term physical exertion is necessary to restore both the body of the liquid supply, and minerals as well as carbohydrates. Värska the Original natural mineral water mixing in half a fruit ago the body with the necessary minerals and carbohydrates, and it is suitable to be consumed as physical exertion before, during as well as after.
Mineral water drinking can be recommended for those who want to lose weight. For those who in sports to lose weight want to take, sports drinks are not suitable, because there is always the added sugars. More sweating because of the tend to be, however normal no longer water and minerals to lose, so it pays to clean water preferred mineral content of the water.
Värska spordijook
- 1 part orange juice
- 1 part of still mineral water Värska Original
A mixture of equal quantities of orange juice and Värska of the Original mineral. Drink as physical exertion before, during as well as after. Also try with other juices with!
* The recommendations of still mineral water consumption from Tallinn university in 2011. annual report of the “Värska mineral water microbiological studies, mineral water chemical composition analysis on the basis of the health aspects and, consequently, the development of recommendations”. Prepared by: assoc Kai Threshold-Beres and dots Kristjan Port.